Profit and Loss (UTxO)
The number of UTxOs being in profit or loss by comparing the price between created and destroyed
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The number of UTxOs being in profit or loss by comparing the price between created and destroyed
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Profit and Loss (UTxO) evaluates the number of UTxOs being in profit or loss by comparing the price between created and destroyed. When the price at destroyed time is higher than created, this transaction is in profit.
Assuming that UTxO's movement is the result of trading transaction, Profit and Loss (UTxO) is the basic data that shows how many UTxOs are in loss.
If you want to look for how many UTxOs are in profit/Loss
Numbers of UTxOs that are in Profit: Profit amount
Profit amount naturally shows a correlation to the price
Numbers of UTxOs that are in Loss: Loss Amount
Loss amount naturally shows an inverse correlation to the price
If you want to look for ratio of UTxOs are in profit/Loss comparative to all UTxOs
Ratio of UTxOs that are in Profit: Profit percent
Profit percent naturally shows a correlation to the price
Ratio of UTxOs that are in Loss: Loss percent
Loss percent naturally shows an inverse correlation to the price